Walt Hampton
2014-01-12 22:38:55 UTC
he Mendelian laws and hence the finding that
human beings, physically and intellectually,
at least, are absolutely limited to the
potentialities they have inherited -- which
may be impaired by external action but cannot
be increased -- are the accepted basis of all
serious biological study today. From the standpoint
of scientific opinion, to deny heredity is about
equivalent to insisting that the earth is flat
or that tadpoles spring from the hair of horses.
The point is worth noting, for even if you choose
to reject the findings of genetics, that science
will enable you to demonstrate one very important
Our "liberal intellectuals," who have done all in
their power to deride, defile, and destroy all
religion, are now sidling about us with hypocritical
whimpers that the facts of genetics ain't "Christian."
This argument does work with those whose religion is
based on the strange faith that God wouldn't have
dared to create a universe without consulting their
wishes. But if you inquire of the "intellectual," as
though you did not know, concerning scientific evidence
in these matters, the chances are that he will assure
you, with a very straight face, that he is, as always,
the Voice of Science. Thus you will know that he still
is what he has always been: a sneak and a liar.
Visit Us At www.soaringeaglesgallery.com or www.zundelsite.org
human beings, physically and intellectually,
at least, are absolutely limited to the
potentialities they have inherited -- which
may be impaired by external action but cannot
be increased -- are the accepted basis of all
serious biological study today. From the standpoint
of scientific opinion, to deny heredity is about
equivalent to insisting that the earth is flat
or that tadpoles spring from the hair of horses.
The point is worth noting, for even if you choose
to reject the findings of genetics, that science
will enable you to demonstrate one very important
Our "liberal intellectuals," who have done all in
their power to deride, defile, and destroy all
religion, are now sidling about us with hypocritical
whimpers that the facts of genetics ain't "Christian."
This argument does work with those whose religion is
based on the strange faith that God wouldn't have
dared to create a universe without consulting their
wishes. But if you inquire of the "intellectual," as
though you did not know, concerning scientific evidence
in these matters, the chances are that he will assure
you, with a very straight face, that he is, as always,
the Voice of Science. Thus you will know that he still
is what he has always been: a sneak and a liar.
Visit Us At www.soaringeaglesgallery.com or www.zundelsite.org